Collet Brut Champagne France 750ml


An undisputed partner of cocktails and aperitifs, the cuvée Champagne Collet Brut is an emblematic wine reflecting the broad range of Crus of the Champagne region.


An anise yellow gold with a fine string of bubbles.


Notes of white flowers, citrus. Stone fruit, such as quince, apple, crisp pear as well as white peach. Small delicate touches of spices, cumin, anise and herbs, black tea and lime tea. Light pastry notes, like the puff pastry of an apple tart.


An impression of freshness as delicate as the bubbles are fine. A wine with a balanced texture. Stone fruit (quince, pear, apple and almost-candied lemon zest). A straightforward and refined wine, with a wonderful persistence in the mouth, crunchy like a thin caramel biscuit.


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